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Common Name |
Traits |
Airedale Terrier |
The Airesdale Terrier is energetic, keen watchdog, versatile |
Staffordshire Terrier
Muscular, but agile and graceful. The American Staffordshire Terrier is courageous and keenly alive to his surroundings. |
Australian Terrier
Alert, spirited, courageous, and self-confident. As a companion, the Australian Terrier is friendly and affectionate. |
Bedlington Terrier
The Bedlington Terrier is noteworthy for endurance, and great speed. |
Border Terrier
Good-tempered, affectionate, obedient, and easily trained. In the field the Border Terrier is hard as nails and driving in attack. |
Boston Terrier
Friendly and lively dog. The breed of Boston Terrier has an excellent disposition and a high degree of intelligence. |
Bull Terrier
The Bull Terrier has a sweet disposition, full of fire and amenable to discipline. |
Cairn Terrier
The Cairn Terrier is hardy, active and game. |
Dinmont Terrier
Intelligent, independent, reserved and determined. Affectionate and dignified nature. In a working situation, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is tenacity and boldness. |
Glen of
Imaal Terrier
Spirited and game with great courage when called upon. Otherwise the Glen of Imaal Terrier is docile and gentle. When working they are active, agile and silent. |
Irish Terrier
Hot-tempered, reckless, and exceptionally courageous. This is the Irish Terrier. |
Kerry Blue Terrier
Strong-headed and highly spirited. The Kerry Blue terrier is fast, strong, and intelligent. Loyal and gentle towards children. |
Lakeland Terrier
Lakeland Terriers are bold, gay and friendly. |
Manchester Terrier
Keenly observant, devoted, but discerning. The Manchester Terrier is neither aggressive nor shy. Generally friendly with other dogs. |
Bull Terrier
Full of fire and courageous. The Miniature Bull Terrier is even and amenable to discipline. |
Miniature Schnauzer
Friendly, intelligent and willing to please. Miniature Schnauzers are alert and spirited, yet obedient to command. |
Norfolk Terrier
Alert, gregarious, fearless and loyal. Norfolk Terriers are never aggressive. |
Norwich Terrier
Loyal and affectionate, gay, fearless. Sporting and adaptable, Norwich Terriers make ideal companions. |
Russell Terrier
Bold and friendly. clever and athletic. At work a game hunter, tenacious, courageous, and single minded. At home playful, exuberant and overwhelmingly affectionate. The Parson Russell Terrier is an independent and energetic terrier. |
Scottish Terrier
The Scottish Terrier is alert and spirited but also stable and steady-going. Loving and gentle with people, can be aggressive with other dogs. Exudes ruggedness and power. |
Sealyham Terrier
Ever keen and alert. The Sealyham Terrier is the embodiment of power and determination. |
Skye Terrier
Displays stamina, courage, strength and agility. Good-tempered, fearless, loyal and canny, the Skye Terrier is friendly and gay with those he knows and reserved and cautious with strangers. |

Smooth Fox Terrier |
Smooth Fox Terriers are generally gay, lively and active. |

Soft Coated
Wheaten Terrier |
Happy, steady dog. self-confident. The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is alert and exhibits interest in his surroundings. |

Bull Terrier |
Courageous with high intelligence, and tenacity. Affection for its friends, and children in particular. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is an all-purpose dog. |

Welsh Terrier |
Alert, aware, spirited-but at the same time, is friendly and shows self control. The Welsh Terrier is intelligent and desires to please. |

West Highland
White Terrier |
Alert, gay, self-reliant and courageous, but friendly. This is the West Highland White Terrier. |

Wire Fox Terrier |
The WIre Fox Terrier is quick of movement, keen of expression, alert, on the tip-toe of expectation at the slightest provocation. |